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Another domestic BESS explosion in Germany

The explosion occurred in Schönberg near Sandesneben in February 2025 and the cause has been attributed to the BESS of the PV system. The remains of the house will have to be demolished. Happily, the family were on vacation. I believe I have stated in previous post(s)...

Hazards of EVs not the same as ICEVs

Our tests during w/b 24 Feb 25 really got me thinking. Re electric vehicles, there is still the feeling that there is no difference in terms of risk between EVs and ICEVs. With respect to Heat Release Rate (HRR), I accept that this is valid – 80% of the HRR is from...

Inhalation of smoke or vapour cloud from LiBs

Kristina Stiles, Plastic Surgery Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bank), King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has drawn my attention to some very interesting presentations and posters at the joint British Burn Association and International Society for Burn Injuries...

New HSE guidance for BESS

HSE BESS guidance. New guidance from the UK Health and Safety Executive. Very high level and thin on detail. However, it is the first time I have seen “Under the Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations, if you are an operator of a...